Forthcoming bridge parapet and retaining wall works – Potential delays
Forthcoming bridge parapet and retaining wall works in your area. The work is being carried out by D A MacRae Stonemason Telephone: 07796 026071.
Our Bridges Technician (Graham Nisbet) is overseeing all of the works, if you have any queries please contact him direct either via email or by telephone 07884 752357
Traffic management will be in place (during working hours) and is being provided by our DLO, allowing traffic through at 20-minute intervals. We advise drivers to arrive in adequate time to ensure their journey is not delayed.
Location plans attached and schedule of works listed below:-
7th – 10th June 2021:
Laga Bridge B8007 Easting: 163308 Northing: 761108 (4 days) Reinstatement of damaged masonry parapets
11th – 16th June 2021
Camus Inas B8007 Easting: 165760 Northing: 761139 (4 days) Reinstatement of masonry parapet on retaining wall.
17th – 21st June 2021:
A861 bridge north of Camuschoirk Easting: 175890 Northing: 761100 ( 4 days) Work to masonry parapets at the Minor bridge at Camusaine, north of Camuschoirk
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works and thank you for your patience.