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Sunart Helping Hands – a COVID-19 Coronavirus community response.We want you to know we are here to help

If you are self-isolating and need support with:

  • Urgent supplies (e.g. prescriptions)  
  • Posting mail
  • A friendly chat on the phone
  • Fetching fuel in for your fire
  • Picking up shopping (Remember Strontian Stores 01967 402268 will deliver groceries to your doorstep)

please fill in the survey form below, email:

Data Protection: For Sunart Community Council (SCC) to provide assistance, you may be providing personal data to SCC to process and store so that they can support the local community response to the Covid-19 virus emergency in 2020. Any data held will not be used for any other purpose and will be deleted at the end of the emergency or by 31st December 2020 whichever is earlier. You may request deletion or see a copy of your information that SCC hold at any time by emailing