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Planning Matters

Liddesdale Hill Quarry (Midland Bank)

Please see attached document referring to this development proposal in the planning documents Planning

Planning reference 20/05131/FUL Available to view and comment at

(Comments to the council can be made via the contact page Contact Us – Note that depending on deadlines comments considered at the next SCC meeting may be after any planning deadlines, so you may wish to consider commenting directly to Highland council with the link above)

Ranachan Woodland Creation Plans

The request is for views on the proposal to plant the areas shown on the attached map extending to a total of around 51ha east and west of the Allt a’ Mhuillin at Ranachan. The site is outwith the Sunart SSSI/SAC, recognised as one of the UK’s most extensive areas of ancient semi-natural woodland, much of which is oak-dominated. However, given the proximity of the designated site, the initial ideas are for a predominantly native broadleaved proposal (sessile oak, birch spp., hazel and alder & willow spp. on wet ground) with the more productive native oakwood focussed on the better, bracken covered, land to the west of the burn.  As an idea of what the woodland could look like, attached are a couple of images – 1) as it is now before planting and 2) 10 yrs after planting.

This woodland obviously links well with the existing oakwood to the west and younger plantings to the north. I expect the conifers on neighbouring land to the east will change within 10 years, especially if community ownership gets underway.

Deer fencing is not planned and any informed comment on local deer issues would be useful. (Comments can be made via the contact page Contact Us)

1 – Unplanted
2 – Planted