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Tourism Infrastructure Plan – consultation with Community Councils

Members of the Council’s Tourism Working Group previously tasked officers with the production of a Tourism Infrastructure Plan that would provide a simple audit of relevant, publicly provided tourism infrastructure around Highland which in turn will allow gaps in provision to be identified. A draft plan has now been produced and this was presented to the Tourism Committee on 14th October. Members agreed that further consultation was required but that this be done in a way that was reasonably quick so a plan could be finalised in the next couple of months and some work on filling gaps could then be done in advance of next season (assuming resources are identified).  The details in the plan have been drawn together using information from communities, business groups, Council services etc and this is an opportunity for you to provide a sense check that the information has been properly captured.  

There are two specific questions which we would like you to consider:

  • Has the draft plan captured the existing provision of publicly provided tourism infrastructure and identified the relevant gaps in provision in your area?
  • What, if any, other infrastructure or gaps in infrastructure might be included for your area?

Responses should be made by Friday 18th December and should go directly to Leona Joiner, Tourism Project Co-ordinator –

The draft plan is available for viewing and download here: