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Back the Belford Build – Update

From Tricia Jordan to Lochaber Community Councils – by email

We had a really good turn out of support from the Lochaber Community for the ‘Back the Belford Build’  Rally and march on March 16th. and the sun shone, hopefully a food omen.

It is important now that we don’t let things die down and that we keep the pressure up by every single person in the community sending letters  to the 

Cabinet  Secretary for Health, Neil Gray and the chair of NHS Highland, Sarah Compton-Bishop.  

Neil Gray MSP, Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, Scottish Government, St Andrews House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG email :

Sarah Compton-Bishop, Chairperson NHS Highland, Assynt House, Beechwood Park, Inverness IV2 3BW email :

The Template to help with the letter writing … is on the Facebook page for ‘The Belford Action Group (TBAG)’ and on the FITCC Facebook Page, along with a Q code which can be used separately to access the letters on mobile phones.

We would be grateful if you could firstly email and post to both NHSHighland and the Cabinet Secretary from your Community Council, if you have not already done so 


forward this email to all your members, local groups and services and in turn request that individuals and groups pass this on to friends and family.

Kind regards


On behalf of  ‘The Belford Action Group’ TBAG

Patricia Jordan David Sedgwick John Hutchison John Gillespie Michael Foxley Paolo Beradelli

Visitor Levy Bill

Community Engagement

From: The Scottish Parliament – call for views close 1st Sept 2023

Dear all

You may already be aware that the Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would allow local authorities The new law would allow local authorities to introduce an additional charge when someone pays for overnight accommodation. Visitor Levy Bill

We are organising community engagement and support on this over summer to ensure that people have the chance to share their views and would like to be able to understand what would help people get involved. We are inviting interested groups to get in touch and have a chat about a facilitated workshop or other session. We have produced a Conversation Guide you can use to host a conversation in your own community and send the views back to us. We want to make sure that we hear from as wide a range of views as we can. Including local residents and third sector organisations that may be impacted or are involved in tourism.

I have included some information below which explains in a bit more detail and which I would be very grateful if you could share with your colleagues and anyone that you think might be interested.

Please call us or email

Please share and circulate to people and communities that you think may be interested.

MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee are looking at the details of the proposals, and want to know what people think about them.

Knowing your views will help them think about ways that could improve the proposed law, and whether the draft Bill should be passed into law by the whole Parliament.

There are a number of ways that you can get involved. For example over summer the Participation and Communities Team are offering extra support for communities, groups and individuals who want to get involved. This could be a facilitated workshop in your area or online. 

How to Get involved

Call for Views – Share your views with the committee

Online conversation – Please submit your views using the digital consultation tool

People are invited to add their ideas and issues to the platform and also rate and comment on other ideas. This will give the committee an indication of the issues relating to the proposed Bill and whether people are in favour or not.

Community Engagement – The Participation and Communities Team  are offering extra support for communities, groups and individuals who want to get involved. This could be a facilitated workshop in your area or online. Please get in touch if you are interested. There is also a conversation guide which you can download to use with your groups.

We have produced a Conversation Guide you can use to host a conversation in your own community and send the views back to us. 

The call for views closes on 1 September 2023.

If you would like support using the online platform or would like to support a group discussion in your community please email our Participation and Communities Team at

Best wishes


Kate Smith

Community Participation Specialist / Speisealach Com-pàirteachadh Coimhearsnachd

Participation and Communities Team / Sgioba Com-pàirteachadh is Coimhearsnachd

The Scottish Parliament / Pàrlamaid na h-Alba
EH99 1SP 

Mob: 07976 443 223

Landline: 0131 348 6415 extension 86416



I can can be contacted by telephone, email and online.  

Twitter: @Engage_SP

See this link for further information on Scottish Parliament Privacy Notices

Forthcoming bridge parapet and retaining wall works – Potential delays

Forthcoming bridge parapet and retaining wall works in your area.  The work is being carried out by D A MacRae Stonemason Telephone: 07796 026071.  

Our Bridges Technician (Graham Nisbet) is overseeing all of the works, if you have any queries please contact him direct either via email or by telephone 07884 752357

Traffic management will be in place (during working hours) and is being provided by our DLO, allowing traffic through at 20-minute intervals.     We advise drivers to arrive in adequate time to ensure their journey is not delayed.   

Location plans attached and schedule of works listed below:-

7th – 10th June 2021:

Laga Bridge B8007 Easting: 163308 Northing: 761108 (4 days) Reinstatement of damaged masonry parapets

11th – 16th June 2021

Camus Inas B8007 Easting: 165760  Northing: 761139 (4 days)   Reinstatement of masonry parapet on retaining wall. 

17th – 21st June 2021:

A861 bridge north of Camuschoirk   Easting: 175890  Northing: 761100 ( 4 days) Work to masonry parapets at the Minor bridge at Camusaine, north of Camuschoirk

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works and thank you for your patience.